Monday, June 25, 2012

Lightening Safety Awareness Week: June 24-30th

With an estimated 25 million cloud-to-ground lightening strikes each year here in the U.S. it seems prudent to share some facts from NOAA as it kicks off its 12th annual Lightening Safety Awareness Week. 




Each year, approximately 54 people die from lightening strikes in the U.S.  NOAA shares these demographics from data collected over the past few years:
  • 100 % were outdoors
  • 76% were men
  • 34% were standing under a tree
  • 24% were either on or near the water
  • Tampa Bay area of Florida is the "lightening capitol of America"
If you can hear thunder, you're in danger of becoming a victim of a lightening strike.  Lightening strikes can occur as much as 10 miles away from the rain area of a thunderstorm.  So, if you've always believed that you're safe as long as you are not out in the rain while it's lightening, you are wrong -- you could be DEAD WRONG!

Here are a couple of other facts you might want to consider:
  • If no suitable building structure is available, seek shelter in an automobile with a metal roof.  It is the metal of the car NOT the rubber of the tires that keeps you safe!
  • It is safe to touch someone who has been struck by lightening.  Call 911.  Administer CPR and/or first aid as required until the paramedics arrive.
So, while the summer weather is inviting, don't fall prey to a potentially lethal encounter with lightening... BE SAFE !!

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