Saturday, May 14, 2011

Blue Mystique

"Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into."
                                                                                             ~Henry Beecher, Life Thoughts, 1858

With a burst of electric blue, my newest "baby" - Blue Mystique - greets me each time I enter my apartment.  This Blue Mystique orchid was a gift I gave to myself for my birthday last month.  And, according to everything that I know about raising orchids in general, and everything I've read about this one in particular, it will continue to do so for quite some time. 

When I lived in Florida, I mistakenly thought that orchids were fragile plants that required alot of care and knowledge if they were to survive.  Delighted to discover that they actually needed much less attention than many of my other plants and flowers, I tried my hand at a few different varieties.  And much to my surprise they all thrived! 

Then, when I first moved to Tennessee, I figured that orchids were out of the question here in this climate.  I knew them as plants that lived in hot, humid, sunny Florida...  But, after talking with a friend, I was thrilled to learn that they do well here too!  They are easy to maintain indoors - if you have the right light for them.  And if you are fortunate enough to be able to let them enjoy the out-of-doors in summer, they'll love you for it.

When I moved into this apartment about nine months ago, I treated myself to a lovely white Phalaenopsis.  Soon, I decided that one was lonely and needed a companion.  This time a lovely shade of lavender.  They've done very well in one of my living room windows.  And now, blooms of white and lavender flank these newest blooms of blue. 

Blue Mystique
You can learn more about Blue Mystique by visiting the Silvervase website.  As for what's next?  I'm thinking it's time to branch out and get a couple other species now.


  1. Oh my! These are stunning! I have one orchid that has not flowered since the blossoms that were on it when I got it. You have inspired me to research what I can do to make it happier. I would love to have this beautiful blue orchid!

  2. Go for it, Linda! There have been times when I thought some of mine were never going to bloom and then, all of a sudden there was a burst of color! Do search for some helpful hints - there are some places on line and lots of good books - Good luck!
