Sunday, May 1, 2011

Raw / Uncensored Thoughts......

There are some thoughts that probably need to stay in one's private journal "For My Eyes Only" sort of thing.... and what follows more than likely fits that bill... but, I am here to write a journal entry for today - May 1, 2011 and this is what is on my mind.... so, allow me to comment on my own rambling thoughts -- permit me to just wonder out loud -- don't feel that my questions beg an answer or response - they were just begging to be spoken.....

It has never been my intent to turn this blog into a religious or political forum -- but let's face it, religious beliefs, political actions, world situations and such do impact how Lee and her muse can, in fact, make the most of each day...

That being said, I find myself typing this as an NBC Special News Report is being promised:  "Osama bin Laden has been killed and the US has his body."....

I find myself wondering what this will mean in the days, weeks, months to come -- to the world, to the people in that region, to the U.S. and to my own family where I have two sons-in-law who are in the military, to me personally.

Will this be the "turning point" in things in the Middle East that some predict?  Or, will it be a lightening rod that fuels even more upheaval?  Will it mean a opportunity for peace to finally have a chance?  Will it mean that my sons-in-law and the many others who serve our country are going to face even more time, more danger, more war?

I also find myself wrestling with the idea that we as a nation are responsible for breaking one of the Ten Commandments - "Thou Shall Not Kill"... all in the name of bringing peace to the world....  I find myself wondering where in the Bible it says that it's okay to kill someone if it fulfills the country's political interests... Yes, horrible things happened to many many innocent people under the hand of this man... Yes, justice needs to be sought in such cases... But still I wrestle with all of it....  I don't feel any safer knowing that the US claims to have killed him. 

What is to come as a result of all of this?
Only time will tell...
And in the meantime, my prayers continue ......
The Lord's Will Be Done In All Things..........

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