Saturday, May 28, 2011

How Much Do You Know About Memorial Day?

 When my girls were in school I was quite appalled to learn that they had absolutely no idea what Memorial Day was really all about.  Over the years, especially since the government switched to observing most holidays on the Monday closest to the originally designated day, Memorial Day - like so many other holidays - has become another excuse for lots of sales.  To me it seems as though the real essence of the holiday has been lost.

This became even more apparent to me earlier this week when one of my co-workers (an individual closer to my age than not so this really caught me off guard) was on the phone making plans for a Memorial Day picnic.  From her side of the conversation, I can only assume that the person to whom she spoke asked what Memorial Day was anyway....
She stumbled over her words and then looked at me to ask "What is Memorial Day?  Is it about the dead soldiers?"  As a nation it seems as though many have lost sight of the true significance of the day.

That being said, I decided I would dedicate a couple of weekend blog posts to making sure that my readers are "in the know".  I'd wager a guess that many of you do know what the real reason for Memorial Day is.  But, indulge me.  If I can shed light on it's true meaning rather than the concept of "Memorial Day = Weekend/Holiday Sales Days"  to even one or two of my readers, then I'll be happy!

So, today... take the quiz below (compliments of ) to see how much you know about Memorial Day.  I'll post the answers tomorrow (in a blog post of its own).  Later tomorrow, I'll post a separate blog post with some other interesting facts about the holiday... And then, on Monday... well, you'll just have to keep coming back all weekend to see what else I have up my sleeve!



Memorial Day was founded to honor military personnel who died in...

The Revolutionary War
The Civil War
The Spanish-American War
World War I
World War II


Which community was proclaimed in 1966 by the U.S. government as the birthplace of Memorial Day?

Springfield, Pennsylvania
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Arlington, Virginia
Waterloo, New York
Bunker Hill, Massachusetts


On what date was Memorial Day first observed?

May 30th, 1856
May 5th, 1866
May 25th, 1889
May 29th, 1901
May 15th, 1919


Memorial Day originated with another name. What was it?

Honor Day
Old Soldiers' Day
Decoration Day
Remembrance Day
Bravery Day


Since the end of World War I, Memorial Day is also called which of the following?

Poppy Day
War Heroes' Day
Armed Forces Day
Military Day
Old Soldiers' Day


Memorial Day is different in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Virginia, Louisiana, and Tennessee. How?

These states celebrate Memorial Day on Jefferson Davis' birthday
Instead of a somber, solemn observance, these states celebrate the memory of the fallen with gala festivals
Memorial Day in these states excludes the Union dead in the Civil War
These states choose to honor Confederate dead in the Civil War on a separate day
In these states, the Confederate flag is flown alongside the American flag


Why is General John Alexander Logan important to the celebration of Memorial Day?

He is the first officially documented casualty in a war
He called for more official government recognition of the holiday
He was the first to place a wreath at the Grave of the Unknowns
He is responsible for accumulating and maintaining statistics of the U.S. war dead
He ordered that the holiday be observed by decorating the graves of the war dead


In which war did the most U.S. service people die?

The Revolutionary War
The Civil War
World War I
World War II
The Vietnam War


Which war had the highest percentage of U.S. casualties based on the number of troops served?

The Revolutionary War
The Civil War
World War I
World War II
The Vietnam War


According to the Department of Defense, how many U.S. service men and women have died in battle in all wars in which the U.S. was involved?

About 1.4 million
They don't even estimate


Come back tomorrow for the answers to the trivia quiz - and see how you did!

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