Thursday, May 5, 2011


HABIT–noun  (
1. an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary.
2. customary practice or use.
3. a particular practice, custom, or usage.
Depending on which source you reference, it takes from 21 - 66 days to turn a practice into a solid habit.
And, it has been said that it only takes FIVE days of not performing that habit to break the habit!

That being said, I didn't want another day to slip by without a post!  I've missed two days and that's more than I intended to miss.  There are posts that have been percolating.  There have been a few minor electronic glitches (like misplaced USB connector for camera to upload pictures).  And, most of all, there has been one very very tired nurse who, by the time she was able to put on her "writer's hat" just didn't have the ability to do the writing justice.

So, here you have it!  I am posting and then going to fine tune some of what has been percolating so they can get up here on the blog as well.  This gal's not gonna let the habit of daily posts be broken if she can help it!

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