Sunday, November 6, 2011

November 6th is "I LOVE NACHOS DAY" !!

Nachos are a popular snack food, originating in Mexico. In their simplest form, nachos are usually tortilla chips covered in melted cheese. First created circa 1943 by Ignacio "Nacho" Anaya, the original nachos consisted of fried tortilla chips covered with melted cheese and jalapeƱo peppers. The International Day of the Nacho is celebrated on 11th September with the International Nacho Festival held at Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Mexico.

Origin of Nachos

Nachos originated in the city of Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Mexico, just over the border from Eagle Pass, Texas, around 1943 at a restaurant called the Victory Club. The account goes that the wives of several U.S. soldiers from nearby Eagle Pass, who were in Piedras Negras on a shopping trip, arrived at the restaurant after it had closed for the day, so chef Ignacio "Nacho" Anaya invented a new dish for them with what little he had available in the kitchen: tortillas and cheese. Anaya cut the tortillas into triangles and fried them, then added yellow Wisconsin cheese, calling the dish nachos especiales, or "Nacho's Specialty". The Moderno Restaurant in Piedras Negras uses the original recipe.

The popularity of the "nacho" spread throughout Texas, but did not become well known outside of Texas until the 1970s, when Howard Cosell was given a plate of nachos during a taping of Monday Night Football at Arlington Stadium in Arlington, Texas. Cosell enjoyed the dish, and was amused by the unusual name. He talked about them throughout the game, and for several weeks following it.

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