Saturday, November 5, 2011

Time to Turn Back Time

It's that time again!  A return to Eastern Standard Time...
That's right.  Tonight, we turn our clocks back. 

When I was growing up, Daddy used to always say that we neither gained nor lost an hour when the clocks changed.  He argued that there were still 24 hours in every day and it was silly to say that we'd lost or gained one.

Scientifically I suppose he was right, but no matter how I look at it, the changing of the clocks before I go to bed tonight means that I will GAIN an hour of allowable sleep time! 

For me, it's always sad when the clocks are turned back and the days grow shorter.  It signals a time for going to and from work in the dark, fewer hours to spend outside on days off, and the fast-approaching end of my favorite season of the year:  Autumn.

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