Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Advanced Notice!

Dear Blog Readers:

I am giving you advanced notice:  TOMORROW - APRIL 7th -  is NO HOUSEWORK DAY!
So, if your "To Do List" for tomorrow includes such things as running the vacuum, ironing, cleaning,'s time to create a new/improved list for the day!

Consider this:  If you really didn't have to do any housework tomorrow, what would you do with your time? And, if you can't get away with absolutely no housework tomorrow, what about giving up at least one of the items on your list that would be considered housework?  What would it be - that one bit of housework that you get a pass on tomorrow - just for the day? 

As for me, I would definitely scratch out the word "Ironing" without a moment's hesitation!  I hate ironing - and yet, I can't wean myself away from it entirely.  Several of my friends wonder how that word even exists in my vocabulary anymore - given all of the permanent press garments these days.  But, let's face it, alot of items that are supposedly permanent press aren't!  No matter how hard I try, I can't bring myself to wear my work uniforms without ironing them - even when I promptly remove them from the dryer. 

Before I even realized that tomorrow was a day to shun housework, I had planned to get most of mine done this evening after work.  But, who was I kidding?!  When was the last time I ever came home from a twelve-hour shift and jumped right into vacuuming, ironing, cleaning the bathroom, etc?  Maybe when I was half my present age - but not recently!  As you can guess by the way this is going, I didn't succeed in doing all of that housework on  my list this evening.  So, the fact of the matter is that I will have to do some housework tomorrow.  But maybe I can spend the time I would have spent ironing indulging in something more enjoyable - something like reading... or writing... or knitting... or quilting!

Go ahead!  Give yourself permission to scratch at least one item of housework off of tomorrow's "To Do List."  You'll be glad you did!  And it will still be there on Friday - honest!

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