Sunday, April 17, 2011

Thanks, Mom!

Fifty-eight years ago at this very moment, Mom was in labor.  She and Daddy were passing the time playing Canasta -- No, I don't remember that.  She told me so!  I wasn't there yet.  Well, actually I was there - but I had not yet made my grand entrance into the world.

I grew up in a typical small town where everybody knew everybody else.  I was able to attend the nursing school of my choice and persue the one and only career I ever wanted to have.  My life has been filled with blessings large and small.

And so, on this, the eve of my birthday I want to say "Thanks Mom!" -- Thanks for giving birth to me.  Thanks for being my mom then and now.  Thanks for making it possible for me to take a stroll down memory lane 1953. 

Here are just a few of the interesting things I learned when I researched my birth year:

 1. J Fred Muggs was a regular on the TODAY show.
 2.  Dwight D Eisenhower was in the third month of his Presidency.
 3.  Walter Cronkite was presenting his "You Are There" features for CBS.
 4.  Walt Disney's "Peter Pan" was issued.
 5.  Jonas Salk had just completed the initial phase of human studies for a polio vaccine.
 6.  Mickey Mouse's "The Simple Things" was a popular cartoon (black and white)
 7.  Plastic Cling Wrap had just been invented.
 8.  The U.S. military was involved in the Korean Conflict.
 9.  Romper Room was a popular morning television show for toddlers.  
10.  Corvette was not yet available.
11.  Cliff Notes had not yet been used!
12.  Vaya con Dios by Les Paul & Mary Ford was number one on the charts.
13.  Guys & Dolls premiered on Broadway @ the 46th Street Theater
14.  Manufacture of "Poppit Beads" was beginnning.
15.  James Michner was working on his popular novel
 "Bridges of Toko Ri"                     

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