Sunday, April 24, 2011

Eastertime Reflections # 5

Every Easter morning is a glorious morning!  Today will be no exception, I am sure.  But, for me, there is one particular Easter morning that will be forever etched in my heart and soul.

 Easter Sunday - Naples, Florida
 Sunrise Service at the Naples Pier...

I had been singing solos at church for a few years.  I'd sung for contemporary and traditional worship services as well as for Christmas Eve services.  The Christmas Eve attendance was high enough to kick my stage fright into high gear but I was always able to gracefully sing my solo without a hitch.  That being said, on this particular Easter morning, I was beginning to wonder what I'd been thinking when I agreed to sing at the Community Sunrise Service at the Naples Pier.  My church, First United Methodist Church of Naples, FL was the host church.  Our contemporary music director, Scott, had approached me right after Christmas to recruit me for a solo on the pier. 

At the designated time, the service began.  The service leaders were situated near the end of the pier facing the shoreline -- facing the sunrise.  The pier was crowded and the number of those who had come to worship was great enough to spill back onto the beach.

Mid-way through the service, just as I stepped onto the soap box and take the microphone from Scott who was to accompany me the sun majestically made its way through the last of the clouds.  What a sight to behold!  With that newly risen sun, I sang the praise hymn that asked the Risen SON "What Held You On The Cross?"

I had practiced the song many times over and each time it created a powerful stir in me.  But none so great as the incredible sense of His Presence during that service.  There I was, singing in praise of Him at one of the most beautiful places in Naples.  What could be better? 

Just then I glanced to my left and saw that there were dolphins jumping out of the waters along the pier.  A glance to my right revealed another two dolphins.  They seemed to be participating in the worship service with all of us. 

If there was any doubt of His love for the human race, that single moment in time held the message that His love was real and evident... And I knew that this could well be the Easter that would mean the most to me for the rest of my life.

Wishing each of my friends, family and blog readers a blessed Easter.

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