"the most wasted of all days is one without laughter." – e. e. cummings
We've all heard that "Laughter is the best medicine" but did you know that it is more than a claim? It's a fact! It's true, the simple and free act of laughing is some of the most powerful medicine we have. And, sadly, we often forget about it...
Laughter is a natural part of life -- it's innate, inborn. Babies prove this! They start to smile during their first few weeks of life and begin to laugh at a few months of age. Some say laughter is our birthright! And, did you know that you are in control of how much or how little you laugh each day?
One source recommends that if laughter isn't already a natural part of your day-to-day experience, you should start to practice incorporating it for a sense of well-being, improved relationships, and yes your physical and emotional health.
Not sure how to begin living a life full of laughter? Here are some suggestions:
Smile! It's part of laughter and both smiling and laughter are contagious. You can (and should) practice smiling at even slightest pleasure.
Count your blessings! Whether you write in a gratitude journal or simply make a mental list each day of the things for which you are thankful and the ways in which you've been blessed, you are placing a speed bump in the road of negativity that humans tend to focus on so often. You can't count blessings and dwell on negativity at the same time! There's no way to do both simultaneously!
Move toward laughter when you hear it! Go ahead, ask what everyone else is laughing out - invite yourself to become part of the laughter!
Spend time with people who laugh easily! People who laugh at themselves and at life... especially those who find reasons to laugh in the midst of everyday happenings.

My daughter, Tara, knows the way to brighten up my day is to
share a bit of my grandson Jesse's laughter with me. She is so good about sending me photos of him, or calling to let me eavesdrop in on his own commentaries about programs or toys... His is truly an infectious childhood-belly-laugh.
You can even participate in laughter yoga if you need help finding a way to put more laughs into your own life. Tonight's NBC Nightly News ended with laughs and smiles -- a rare find in this time of so much depressing, negative news. The Laughter Guru and his Laughter Yoga were the proverbial "breath of fresh air" as the broadcast aired its final piece for the night.
I'm ready to sign up right now! How about you? Laughter Yoga, anyone? !!
I'm on board! See you in class--at least, metaphorically. Wish it were real. Great post!