First hurdle for me? Climbing up on a ladder. I can do it but I hate it. I just don't trust my footing or the knees that wobble while I work. But, today I invested in a sturdy one that I felt would make me feel more secure. And, after purchasing it and the necessary light bulbs for the various lights that have been blown for weeks now I headed home with a renewed "can do attitude."
It took a few tries before I had the ladder situated "just so" but I finally changed the light above the washer and dryer. Once that was done, I moved the ladder to the middle of the kitchen floor where I would be able to change the bulbs in the ceiling light near the sink. Once up on the ladder, intent on undoing the old bulbs, I was taken completely off guard when I heard the sound of shattered glass...
Oh dear! The globe over the bulbs I'd changed in the laundry area must not have been as secure as I thought. Now I had a shattered globe to clean up. Drat!
But, not to be deterred from the job at hand, I proceeded to finish the job on the kitchen lights and made doubly sure that the globe was, indeed, secure before moving on to the next chore: cleaning up the glass fragments and shards. That was about as much fun as climbing up on the blasted ladder in the first place.

So much for restoring lights in my ceiling fixtures! Ms. Do-It-Herself has done more than her fair share for one day... Tomorrow, it's back to the hardware store for a new globe for the laundry room, more bulbs to replace the ones that blew when the circuit breaker was tripped and... ??? some hints on how to get the base of the old bulb out of the remaining socket.
I read to cut a large potato so the end fits the socket firmly (with the electricity off of course!) and then twist the remains out that way. Seems like it ought to work. You might Google for more brilliant ideas because I bet there are tons out there! Good luck. :)
ReplyDeleteAt least you went up the ladder! Good for you.
ReplyDeleteBlair says to do the potato thing too! Be sure to turn off the breaker first bc as you know, a potato holds a lot of water...Blair says cut the potato in half, shove it in, and turn slow and steady :)
ReplyDeleteHaha...btw, this is Paula..not sure how to make it say my name instead of all that mumbo-jumbo above!