Sunday, January 30, 2011

Catching Some Z-Z-Z-z-z-z-z's

Yesterday I drove down to Sevierville to watch Caleb play Upward Basketball.  After a great game where Caleb's team won, he and I spent part of the afternoon together before I had to take him home.  It is always such a wonderful day when it is spent with Caleb.  He is my sunshine!  At 10 you'd think he would be about ready to give up being all lovey-dovey in public but he showers me with hugs, kisses and "Nan, I love you's" every chance he gets.  And of course I don't discourage that! 

Once home, I decided I'd do something I rarely do - take a nap.  And so, around 4:30 I headed off to nap "just for a few minutes".... Well........

Last time I did the math, 4:30 pm to 8:30 a.m. is NOT a few minutes!  In fact, do the math!  It's hmmmmm
16 hrs x 60min/hr.....  It's 960 minutes!  NOT a "short nap" by any means.  I have never done that!  But, I guess I must have needed the sleep... 

But, because I "napped" for 960 minutes, I never made it here last night....  So, dear followers... I will be back this evening with a post but for now, this very well rested writer is off to church and from's anyone's guess what the day holds!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I plopped down at about 4PM but woke up at 5:30PM on the same day. There is something just too yummy about a nap at that time of day... the light is starting to fade, it's getting cooler and makes it so nice to bundle under the covers... true comfort. Glad you got the zzzzzzs you needed, Lee!
