Friday, January 7, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

Do you ever find yourself hard-pressed to make a decision as to how you'll spend a two hour block of time?  That seems to be my steady state.  Sometimes I wonder if I'd know how to act if I only had one option.

After working a grueling 12 hour shift at the hospital, I come home wanting to unwind...wanting to do so much...wanting to pack as much as I can into each and every moment between entry into my apartment and time to go to bed.  And, after working that grueling 12 hour shift, time to go to bed is often sooner than I'd like.  Some nights I just can't keep my eyes open long enough to do much of anything.

If you were to look at the options before me tonight, I wonder if one of them would jump out and beg for your focused attention.  Or, would one of them be so far from anything you'd ever consider that it would be eliminated without hesitation?

I suppose having so many interests is a natural thing for creative souls.  It seems to me that it is at least a natural thing for this creative soul!  I admire people who can choose only one project in one category and stick to it until it is finished.  Then and only then will they allow themselves to begin another project.  Those people would absolutely cringe if they were to gaze around my living room right now!

In one corner, I have a small table set up with the sewing machine.  When I started to do travel nursing contracts, I wasn't able to take my machine with me.  In fact, the lack of a machine led me to learning a new craft - knitting - but more about that in a moment.  Finally, about six months ago, I was able to purchase a new sewing machine.  On the sewing machine table are two projects begging to be chosen tonight.  Fabric for a new pair of kitchen curtains and matching placemats sit quietly while adorable dinosaur print flannel for my grandson's new blanket screams "Pick me!"

Somewhere close by is a pillowcase I'm embroidering -- an old fashioned project that is delightful in every sense of the word.

Next to my rocker is a basket of yarns and needles -- a pair of socks, a hat, a scarf, and a sweater are all on my needles right now.  The array of colors and types of yarn in the basket are yummy.  Each project would be a delight to sit down and work on tonight.

On my nightstand is a stack of books that I keep meaning to read "one of these days."  On my Kindle is a list of books that would out-do the stack on my nightstand.  Again, all meant to be read "one of these days."  Perhaps the only thing keeping me from diving into one of those books is the fact that I just finished reading an excellent book.  I was sad when I'd read the final pages.  I wanted it to go on and on and on.  Whenever I get my hands on a book like that, it is always difficult to get into another one right away - at least for me.

On my kitchen table is a stack of new recipe cards waiting for my to use for the many pages of handwritten (or in some cases quickly scribbled down) recipes or those torn from magazines.  I know that in the day and age of computers for any/everything including your recipes this may sound rather foreign.  But, while working on a writing project a couple of years ago, I realized what treasures hand written recipes from my grandmother's recipe box were to me.  I want to be able to leave such treasures for my girls and my grandchildren.

On my desk is the study guide and text book for my current class -- one of those necessary evils of the academic world.  In my pursuit of a Masters in Nursing Education, I find myself really wanting to get the job done but not wanting to give up the more relaxing endeavors completely.  I know that I'd be able to move through the courses more quickly if I would just pack up all of my arts and crafts and hobbies but...Really?  You really think I'd be able to do that?  Why no!  Those are the things that make my life full, satisfying, and FUN!

And of course there are any number of writing projects on my computer... each just waiting for me to decide tonight is the night I open up its file and complete the project.

Probably the only creative outlet that isn't within reach right now is the mixed medium artwork that includes altered books.  That requires way too much "stuff" to be strewn here and there while pages dry.  Besides, I know myself and if one of those projects is out, there is a distinct possibility that I'll forfeit sleep time to keep working on it!

Decisions, decisions, decisions!  Indeed!  I suppose that it is rather obvious which creative effort I decided to exercise when I got home from work.  I'd hoped that by the time I hit the "publish post" button I'd be able to pick up another project for a little while.  But, alas!  My eyelids are resisting the inner voice's cry for more creative time before bed.  And, tomorrow is a day off  so I can spend hours and hours satisfying those creative urges.

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